Welcome to Seventh ICECE Conference

In recent years, the field of Electronics and Communication Engineering has experienced significant growth and evolution, driven by advancements in communication technologies such as 5G, the Internet of Things (IoT), and artificial intelligence (AI). These developments have led to the creation of more efficient and secure communication systems, as well as the integration of electronics and communication leading to the development of more sophisticated and intelligent devices and systems.

In this context, 2025 IEEE the 8th International Conference on Electronics and Communication Engineering (ICECE2025) will take place in Xi'an, China from December 6th to 8th, 2025, and is mainly co-sponsored by Xi'an University of Technology, Xi'an university and IEEE Xi'an BTS Chapter, technically co-sponsored by IEEE Xi'an Section, hosted by School of Automation and Information Engineering, Xi'an University of Technology. ICECE is an annual conference that was first launched in 2018 and has been held in Xi'an every year since then.

ICECE 2025 aims to serve as a platform for researchers, academics, and industry professionals to exchange ideas and present their latest research findings in this dynamic and rapidly evolving field. The conference will cover a wide range of topics, including wireless communication systems, signal processing, and network security and privacy, among others. By fostering collaboration and knowledge-sharing, ICECE 2025 will play a critical role in shaping the future of electronics and communication engineering.

2025年第八届IEEE电子与通信工程国际会议(ICECE'2025)将于2025年12月06日至08日中国西安举办。ICECE大会由 西安理工大学和IEEE广播技术学会西安分会共同主办, 西安文理学院协办, IEEE西安分会技术支持, 西安理工大学自动化与信息工程学院承办。本次大会将由国内外知名专家就电子与通信工程领域的最新研究热点、前沿问题作专题报告 ;为了促进学术交流、分享研究成果,现诚邀电子与通信工程领域的专家学者及相关工作者踊跃投稿并与会交流!


ICECE2023 Proceedings: IEEE Xplore EI Compendex        Scopus  
ICECE2022 Proceedings: IEEE Xplore EI Compendex        Scopus        
ICECE2021 Proceedings: IEEE Xplore EI Compendex        ►Scopus                
ICECE2020 Proceedings: IEEE Xplore EI Compendex        ►Scopus                     
ICECE2019 Proceedings: IEEE Xplore EI Compendex        ►Scopus  
ICECE2018 Proceedings: IEEE Xplore EI Compendex        ►Scopus



All submissions are peer reviewed by the ICECE Review Committee. Accepted and presented papers will be published in the International Conference Proceedings



Authors are encouraged to submit your extended paper with 40% new added content and new title to the journal below for publication after the conference. Authors who contact conference secretary via icece@chairmen.org after submission to INT J ELECTRON are eligible to receive a discount when publishing in the journal.

International Journal of Electronics
SCIE (Impact factor 2021: 1.457 ), Scopus (Citescore 2021:3.0), etc.

extended paper submission deadline:  March 1, 2025

Call for Papers

Download Call for Papers:

We invite submissions for the 2025 Eighth Annual Conference on Electronics and Communication Engineering (ICECE 2025), a multi-track, interdisciplinary conference that brings together researchers in Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Electronics and Communication, Multimedia Transmission, Multimedia Networking, and their applications. You may find the list of the many subject areas covered by the conference as below.

►Computer Science
►Electronics and Communication
►Broadcasting Technology
►Multimedia Networking

More topics, please click here.


We invite high-quality submissions for ICECE 2025 covering substantial, original and previously unpublished research. Applied, theoretical and results-oriented papers from both academia and industry, based on thorough analysis or argumentation, will be considered for the conference.
The official language is English. The submitted paper should be no less than full 4 pages and prepared carefully according to the conference template. Welcome to submit full paper or abstract by Easychair Electronic Submission System.

Submission Deadline:  July 15, 2025

Notification of Acceptance: before August 15, 2025

Camera Ready Submission: before September 5, 2025

Registration: before September 5, 2025  

Conference Date: December 06-08, 2025

Call for Reviewers

We are always looking for individuals with diverse areas of expertise to serve as peer reviewers. Experts in the area of Electronics and Communication Engineering are welcome to join the conference. Send your profile to: icece@chairmen.org. The application asks about your position and organizational affiliation, areas of special interest or expertise, and academic experience (e.g., of publications, grant proposals, conference abstracts). 

If you are ICECE2025 reviewers,

You should review at least 2 papers for the conference.

You are entitled to committee registration discount on the registration fee for your own submission

Your information will be added in committee list on website and proceedings

Delegate Registration

The ICECE2025 Organizing Committee invites you to experience presentations by leading minds in the field of Electronics and Communication Engineering. You should submit the payment order id and email to icece@chairmen.org for registration status checking after online registration. The non-presenting audience not only gets the opportunity to listen to the keynote speeches, and other insights shared by the top speakers, but also will get the opportunity of sharing their own ideas and insights at the Q and A sessions. In addition, the attendees will be exposed to several networking opportunities with both the corporate and academic figures.

* Online Quick Registration

Speakers of Past Conferences

Prof. Licheng Jiao Prof. Yuhui Shi Prof. Hai Jin Prof. Nannan Wang Prof. Assaf Schuster Prof. Bo Ai Prof. Ljiljana Trajkovic

Prof. Xiaodong Wang Prof. Ling Liu Prof. Koichi Asatani Prof. Qingfu Zhang Prof. Nan Wang Prof. Xizheng Ke

Prof. Alex Liu Prof. Sheng-Uei Guan Prof. Leyi Wang Prof. Yutaka Ishibashi Prof. Yinglei Song Prof. Jianpo Li    

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