Meet in Xi'an

西安古称长安,是中华民族历史文化的重要发祥地,也是人类文明发达最早的地区之一,西安有着3100多年的建城史和1100多年的国都史,是中国建都最早、朝代最多、历时最长的古都,也是世界著名的历史文化名城和国际旅游城市。人们都说,走进西安,就像走进了中国历史的博物馆: 名胜古迹星罗棋布; 稀世文物灿若星辰。金匾丹青赏心悦目;古槐青砖意境深邃,一座城市简直就是一部流动的历史。
Xi'an is more multicultural than many cities in China and the people here are used to dealing with tourists. This small city is very easy to get around, especially as the numerous buses stop at all the major attractions and there are plenty of maps available to help visitors find their way.