Submission Guideline

All papers must be formatted according to the standard conference template. 
(Download Template:DOCX )

(Download Template:Latex )

All submissions should be written in English and should have 4-5 pages, including figures, all of them in the US letter format pages. Ready versions of accepted papers exceeding five (5) pages, will be allowed pending payment of overlength charges (50$ for each additional page).

All proposed papers must be submitted in electronic form (PDF format) using the ICECE 2024 conference management system.

Please, once your paper is accepted and before the final paper submission, best please provide word file as per the template.


Peer Review process

All submissions are peer reviewed by the ICECE Review Committee. Criteria include the worldwide significance of the research questions, the soundness of the methodology, the appropriateness of the methods to the research questions, the importance of the findings, and the overall logic and clarity of the conclusions and implications of the research.



Papers will be reviewed on the basis that they do not contain plagiarized material and have not been submitted to any other conference at the same time (double submission). These matters are taken very seriously and the publisher will take action against any author who has engaged in either practice.


Important Dates

August 15, 2024


Submission Deadline

September 15, 2024


Decisions Announced 

October 10, 2024



October 10, 2024


Submission of Camera- Ready to ICECE

December 06-08, 2024


Conference Date