► Opening Ceremony
Prof. Xizheng Ke | Prof. Sheng-Uei Guan |
Jiaotong-Liverpool University 西安理工大学 信息与通信系统学科负责人 柯熙政教授致会议欢迎辞 |
Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool
University 西交利物浦大学 计算机科学与软件工程系 关圣威教授主持大会开幕式及专家报告 |
►Keynote Session
► Parallel Sessions
► Closing Ceremony
► ICECE2022 Proceedings
►ICECE2022 Proceedings:
►IEEE Xplore
►EI Compendex ►Scopus
► Speakers
IEEE Fellow Director of the Center for
Emergency Response Technologies (CERT)
Bio sketch:
Sharad Mehrotra is
a Chancellor's Professor of Computer Science at the
University of California, Irvine, Fellow of the IEEE, and a
Distinguished Member of the ACM, and a trustee of the VLDB
Endowment. His primary research interests include scalable
data analytics, data cleaning, big data, distributed
systems, secure databases, privacy, and Internet of Things.
He is a recipient of over 12 best paper awards including
2011 SIGMOD Best Paper Award, 2012 SIGMOD Test of Time
award, DASFAA ten year best paper awards for 2013 and 2014,
ACM ICMR best paper award for 2013, IEEE NCA Best paper
award for 2019, IEEE SmartComp 2021, Percom best paper
award, 2022, and Dean’s Award for Research in 2016, and a
CAREER Award in 1998 from the US National Science Foundation
IEEE Fellow, IET
Fellow, Speech Title: Artificial Intelligence Enabled Wireless
Propagation Channel Modeling in 6G (Download Abstract)
Bio sketch:
Prof. Bo Ai is
now working as a full Professor and Ph.D. supervisor at Beijing Jiaotong
University, where he is a deputy director of State Key Lab. of Rail Traffic
Control and Safety, and a deputy director of Research Institute of Modern
Telecommunications. He is one of the main responsible people for Beijing
"Urban rail operation control system" International Science and Technology
Cooperation Base, and the backbone member of the Innovative Engineering
Based jointly granted by Chinese Ministry of Education and the State
Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs. He was a visiting professor at EE
department, Standard University during March and September, 2015. During his
visiting period, he has been invited by Stanford International Developing
Center, UC Berkeley, University of South California, Harvard, University of
Maryland, Georgia Tech. for academic presentations. He has authored 6 books
and published over 300 scientific research papers in his research area. He
has hold 26 invention patents. He is serving as an associate editor for IEEE
transactions on Consumer Electronics and an editorial member of Wireless
Personal Communications. He has been notified by Council of Canadian
Academies (CCA) that, based on Scopus database, Prof. Ai Bo has been listed
as one of the Top 1% authors in his field all over the world. Prof. Ai Bo
has also been Feature Interviewed by IET electronics Letters. Recently, he
has coauthored a book with European Union and North American scholars
invited by Wiley John & Sons for a 5G book: Fundamentals for 5G Mobile
Networks. Prof. Bo Ai was elected as IEEE fellow for contributions to
channel modeling and wireless communications in high-speed railways.
IEEE Fellow,
CCF Fellow, Changjiang Distinguished Professor
Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China Speech Title: Dataflow based High Efficient Graph Processing Accelerator
(Download Abstract)
Bio sketch:
Hai Jin
received the PhD degree in computer engineering from Huazhong University of
Science and Technology, in 1994. He is a Cheung Kung scholars chair
professor of computer science and engineering with Huazhong University of
Science and Technology. In 1996, he was awarded a German Academic Exchange
Service fellowship to visit the Technical University of Chemnitz in Germany.
He worked with The University of Hong Kong between 1998 and 2000, and as a
visiting scholar with the University of Southern California between 1999 and
2000. His research interests include computer architecture, virtualization
technology, cluster computing and cloud computing, peer-to-peer computing,
network storage, and network security. He was awarded Excellent Youth Award
from the National Science Foundation of China in 2001. He is the chief
scientist of ChinaGrid, the largest grid computing project in China, and the
chief scientists of National 973 Basic Research Program Project of
Virtualization Technology of Computing System, and Cloud Security. He has
co-authored 22 books and published more than 700 research papers. He is a
fellow IEEE, CCF, and a life member of the ACM.
Scholar distinguished professor
Xidian University, China Speech Title: Cross-domain Image Synthesis (Download Abstract)
Bio sketch:
Wang Nannan,
Huashan distinguished professor at Xidian University, is currently the
associate director of State Key Laboratory of Integrated Services Networks
(ISN). In recent years, he has been engaged in the research of computer
vision and machine learning. His research mainly involves cross-domain image
reconstruction and credible identity authentication,
including sketch-photo synthesis and recognition, image/video
super-resolution reconstruction, image restoration, behavior analysis and
recognition, person re-identification, etc.
He has published over 150 papers in top
international journals and conferences such as IEEE TPAMI, IJCV, CVPR, ICCV,
ECCV, NeurIPS, ICML, etc. He has
received Outstanding Youth
Foundation from National Natural Science Foundation of China. He has
been selected as Young Elite Scientists Sponsorship Program by China
Association of Science and Technology (CAST). He has been awarded the first
prize for Ministry of Education Natural Science Award, the first prize for
Shaanxi Province Science and Technology Award, the second prize of China
Society of Image and Graphics (CSIG) Natural Science Award. He is the
recipient of the Chinese Association for Artificial Intelligence (CAAI)
Outstanding Doctorate Dissertations Award and Shaanxi Province Outstanding
Doctorate Dissertations Award.
He is the associate
editor-in-chief of The Visual Computer. Prof.
Sharad Mehrotra
Director and PI of the RESCUE project (Responding to Crisis and
Unexpected Events)
University of California, Irvine, USA
Speech Title: TippersDB: A Middleware System for
Developing Smart Space Applications (Download
Prof. Bo Ai
IEEE VTS Beijing Chapter Vice Chair IEEE BTS Xi'an Chapter Chair
Prof. Hai Jin
Prof. Nannan Wang
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